Sunday, December 9, 2007

Chelsea Charity Kit

Chelsea is a sweet little girl who has recently been diagnosed with Acute Myelogenous leukemia, a rare form of Leukemia that is very difficult to treat. Treatments are painful and time consuming, and force Chelsea to spend weeks to months at a time in the hospital. Her Mom has been staying at her easy feat when you have a son and a husband at home that you rarely see!! As you can imagine, these treatments, as well as necessities such as food and lodging for Chelsea's Mom, are very expensive!

The proceeds from "Sweet Butterflies" will go directly to Chelsea and her family to help with the many expenses they have to meet. Hopefully the money will take some of the financial strain away and let them focus entirely on getting Chelsea over this major hurdle.

1 comment:

Melody aka pebbles7195 said...

This is an awesome kit and a great way to help out Chelsea and her family!! Thanks for showing your support to her!! :)